The first look of Ekta Kapoor’s The Dirty Picture was unveiled at Bandra’s Galaxy theatre yesterday. Later in the day, the shoot of a song was flagged off at Film City on a lavish set reminiscent of the South potboilers of the ’80s. The set complete with chandeliers and glitzy props is reportedto have cost the producer Rs 1 crore.
The item number will feature in the film post-interval and is one of the highlights, apart from being integral to the plot. It features Vidya Balan, who plays an aspiring starlet in a competitive song situation with another dancer-actor, played by a fresh new face. It ends with her becoming a star in the mould of Silk Smitha, one of the muses for the role.
“Vidya is wearing just one outfit in this song, a long, sexy gown, and looks absolutely gorgeous,” informs choreographer Pony Verma, adding, “She’s been rehearsing really hard, from 10 am to 10 pm, and I don’t foresee too many retakes. I’ve watched many Silk Smitha songs and I have to admit that she wasn’t a great dancer like Helen aunty. She was a big, voluptuous woman and her moves were ordinary. It’s her sensual expressions that made those songs memorable. I always wondered what she was thinking when she was performing these numbers.”
Verma reveals that filmmaker K Balachander gave her the title Silk Smitha, saying, “It was perfect for her, given how sensual and soft the fabric is.”
Pony admits that the initial reaction to Vidya as the choice for this role was laughing skepticism, but insists she was cast because she’s a brilliant actor who has put her heart and soul into the role. “Today, everyone admits that Vidya’s looking hot. And this is just the beginning,” Verma promises.
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