Sunday, August 7, 2011

Salman Khan set to create history

Salman Khan
 Salman Khan is set to change the perception of history being dull and boring.

He sports an attitude that is symbolic of what the all-new HISTORY channel represents. He is complemented by an exciting, new wardrobe, styled by his sister Alvira Agnihotri and Ashley Rebello.

The channel has signed him on, as his popularity cuts across all ages and gender.
The channel, coming soon to India in partnership with TV18, is the original
HISTORY channel from US and the number one factual entertainment channel there.
The content promises to be gripping and racy - a far cry from the boring history narrative programs this far.

Research has shown that viewers have started watching factual entertainment channels the world over even more. They offer a different style of programming, enhanced visual experience that's set in an outdoor setting.

This trend is likely to catch up in India as people are looking beyond soaps, serials and existing reality TV for entertainment.

Ask Salman about his association with the channel and he says, "I simply love their unexpected take and content. It's nothing like I expected history to be. You too will be totally taken aback. Just be patient and soon all will be revealed."

Ajay Chacko, President of Network18-AETN, adds, "History has always been associated with the past, but with our channel, we hope to change that perception. It's contemporary, it's also about action and adventure. It is about people making history every day. We're thrilled to partner with Salman for the venture."

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